Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Right Hand Doesn't Know What the Left Hand is Doing

It dawned on me last night

I can't get the old Grip Shifters back on.

Not even temporarily. The strait section of the bar end is too short, and the bend is too tight to make the turn. Hmm. Off to the Interwebs!

All the trendy people, who's bikes I admire, say bar end friction shifters are the way to go. And friction shifters certainly don't frighten me - I cit my teeth on them back in the 70's on my powder blue Schwinn Le Tour II. Seemed pretty intuitive then, with 2x5 to manage, and the concept of not having to deal with indexed shifting is appealing. But the inn is full. I have inverse brake levers already planned for that location.

So tell me, o great magic 8 ball of the web, are there good, old school thumb shifters available? Survey says... Sure. But not at the price you wanna pay, kid. Dare I convince myself to run a front brake only? It kinda smacks of espresso swillin' hipster bike culture. Well, hell, if you're going to go down the rabbit hole, don't slide down.

So that's the new plan. Single brake lever for the front on the right, single shifter on the left. It's anti-American to run it that way, but it makes much more sense. I'll need to brake and hand signal at the same time, and I can't do that with the traditional setup.

Now, of course, I find you can't buy just one. They're sold in pairs. Anybody want to trade a Tektro RX 4.1 brake lever for a good bar end shifter?

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